This publication has generated a lot of attention around the world. A word of warning, BMI is not a good indicator of health in many asian countries, to begin with in the west 25 kg/m2 and below is considered normal whereas in Asia, it would be more like 22 kg/m2. Plus countries in Asia, especially in India, both Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular diseases are seen in thin people, Waist Circumferences or Waist to Hip ratio may be a better predictor.
Photo shows a normal weight Burmese. Malaysia and Singapore are considered the most overweight/obese nations in Asia. Highest rate of Diabetes kudos goes to India and the lowest rate competition may be won by Bhutan, Laos or North Korea (does anyone have data on North Korea?)
Thirty percent of Mexican adults are obese as are 28% of Americans, the two fattest nations in the world, according to a book just published by the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development).
OECD obesity rates have risen from well below 10% before 1980 to at least double that amount in most countries, and triple in others. Obesity has climbed up to the top of the public health policy agenda globally, says the OECD. In nearly half of all OECD countries over half the population is overweight or obese.
The OECD is a Paris-based organization, which brings together 33 of the world's leading economies.,2987,en_2649_201185_1_1_1_1_1,00.html A very interesting website.
Obesity rates by country (Source: OECD):
* India 1%
* Indonesia 1 %
* China 2%
* Japan 3%
* Korea 4%
* Switzerland 8%
* Italy 10%
* Norway 10%
* Sweden 10%
* France 11%
* Denmark 11%
* Netherlands 12%
* Austria 12%
* Poland 13%
* Brazil 14%
* Israel 14%
* Belgium 14%
* Turkey 15%
* Portugal 15%
* Finland 16%
* OECD average 16%
* Germany 16%
* Slovenia 16%
* Slovak Rep. 17%
* Czech Rep. 17%
* Spain 17%
* Russian Fed. 17%
* Estonia 18%
* Greece 18%
* Hungary 19%
* Luxembourg 20%
* Iceland 20%
* S. Africa 21%
* Chile 22%
* Ireland 23%
* Canada 24%
* UK 25%
* Australia 25%
* New Zealand 27%
* USA 28%
* Mexico 30%